Five things theory - morning edition

I have my normal routine every morning. It is not the best, but it semi works for me. I get up, unplug my phone and toss my Kindle into my bag . I go into the bathroom and shower. Then I get dressed in the clothes that I pulled out last night, in theory. Then toothbrush, contacts, allergy medicine, hair stuff, find socks that that semi match.  And head out the door. Occasionally, but less and less lately, I make coffee and drink it on the way to work.   Then I also have to make sure I get out the door with my keys, bag, and sweatshirt. Most days I also have an extra bag for supplies, depending on what I'm doing after work.

To try to get on top of things, I add five things to done every morning. Other than normal routine.  Let's see if I can do this.
